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Institute of Water Environmental Chemistry
Release date:2016-05-29     Clicks:

Institute of Water Environmental ChemistryTime :2016-05-29

The Institute of Water Environmental Chemistry was established in 2005 and is now one of the eight institutes that make up the School of Environment. Its staff includes seven professionals, out of which six are professors. As a State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation it has a full range of organic, inorganic and microbiological analytical facilities such as GC/MS and LC systems, and GIS laboratory. The Institute carries out research, teaching and consulting in water environment sciences. Faculty and students are actively involved in empirical research and in the simulation of physical, chemical and biological processes of water environment systems such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Research is focused on the fate and effects of pollutants in aquatic systems and remediation options.

Research fields

Surface water quality of lakes, rivers and reservoirs

Aquatic sediments and sediment/water interactions

Sources and fates of pollutants in water environment systems

Bioavailability and environmental toxicology of pollutants

Water quality criteria and sediment quality criteria

Mathematical modeling and simulation of water environmental multimedia processes and systems

Aquatic pollution remediation options and technologies

Key Projects and program

The Institute presides and participates in a broad range of projects funded both domestically and internationally. International sources of funding include the World Bank, the GEF, the US, Canada etc... The domestic projects are mainly funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, China’s National Natural Science Foundation, China’s Ministry of Education, and other domestic organizations.

The Institute receives visiting professionals from overseas every year, and it welcomes foreign and domestic professionals to become associated with the Institute to pursue the goal of an improved water environment in China. It will also consider joint funding of foreign professionals who wish to spend a sabbatical leave in China. The Institute can be contacted at: xiaxh@bnu.edu.cn
