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Center for Global Environmental Policy
Release date:2016-05-29     Clicks:

Center for Global Environmental PolicyTime :2016-05-29

The Center for Global Environmental Policy (CGEP) was established in 2005. It is a Research Institute subordinated to Beijing Normal University. The center relies upon the School of Environment for its development. It devotes itself to solving global environmental issues such as climate change, the impact of international trade on the environment, and biodiversity conservation. It also attempts to learn from the international experience in environmental policy and management strategy making, and to apply environmental economic theory to policy formulation and management practice in China, in order to find ways to make China greener.

Research fields

Co-control of GHGs and local air pollutants

International trade and environmental issues

The institutional framework of Biodiversity Conservation

The building of low carbon cities

Environmental damage valuation in the field of environmental risks and emergency management

Ecological compensation

Eco-environmental assessment and planning

 Key Projects and program

With the support of the School of Environment, in the past few years the CGEP has carried out and completed many research projects entrusted to it by the European Union (EU), APEC, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC),  the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Energy Foundation (EF), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)/Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), the WWF, the WRI and local authorities and enterprises. The Center has had dozens of research and consultancy reports and more than a hundred academic articles published, and it has received widespread recognition from the government and academia.

Some projects undertaken:

APEC, MOFCOM, WRI and WWF co-supported project: environmental risk management of Chinese foreign direct investment

CDM Foundation project: Beijing Low Carbon City Pilot Project

EU-China Biodiversity Program: Towards Improved Biodiversity Governance——Case Studies in Xinjiang and Policy Implications for the Nation

EU-China Biodiversity Program (ECBP national project): Study of China’s Institutional Reform for Biodiversity

Priority Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development to Implement China’s Biodiversity Partnership and Framework for Action (CBPF-IS Project) supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF): pilot research on strengthening the reform of the local environmental bureau’s biodiversity management systems

Environmental Protection Public Interest Program: assessment of the greenness of trade policies

MEP entrusted project: environmental impact assessment (EIA) of China’s first ten years in the WTO

MEP entrusted project: Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the China-Japan-Korea free trade agreement

Environmental Protection Public Interest Program: methods of co-control of the iron and steel industry

EF donation project: research on co-control methods for atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gasses

EF donation project: Urumqi “co-control pilot city” research program

EF donation project: the coal and environmental network of China (CENC)

EEPSEA/IDRC: The Way to CO2 Emission Reduction and the Co-benefits of Local Air Pollution Control and Energy Saving in China’s Transportation Sector —— A policy and economic analysis

China Clean Development Mechanism Foundation donation project: the “low carbon city” Beijing pilot project research

China Three Gorges Corporation: research on China’s hydropower development strategy from the perspective of a low carbon economy

Special Project on technology for the control and amelioration of pollution in the national water body: transnational river basin project on environmental risks and accident simulation, and Sino-Russian joint EIA research on the potential effects of cross-border environmental damage

MEP entrusted project: research on sudden large-scale environmental incidents and on the value assessment of losses from environmental damage
